Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club (TBCC) proudly announces that we are going to enter the Team Championship 2022 for the fifth time as an official member club of National Chess Society of Japan (NCS). NCS organizes an annual team championship on September 17 & 18, 2022. The club championship is for teams of 4 (or up to 6 players). TBCC now accepts your application to play as a member of TBCC in the 2022 team championship via email by July 18, 2022.
* TBCC's team entry is subject to change based on the NCS's decision to cancel the event due to conditions of the venue and COVID regulations.
The TBCC team will consist of the following members (subject to change):
Board 1: Alex Averbukh
Board 2: ___Under 18 (TBD)___
Board 3: ___Under 12(TBD)___
Board 4: _____Under 10 (TBD)_
Board 1: TBD (FIDE XXXX)
Board 2: _____Under 18 (TBD)_
Board 3: _____Under 12 (TBD)_
Board 4: _____Under 10 (TBD)_
As a member of TBCC team, the following are the general requirements for candidates to participate in the NCS's Team Championship:
* Attendance of any official rated tournaments in past
* Attendance at a minimum of one TBCC's scholastic tournament or event in the Class A section with top records
* Required to take notations
* Good etiquette of tournament chess
* Excellent written and verbal communication in English
* Open to players with a TBCC membership and a NCS membership
* Required to wear the TBCC team polo-shirt
The number of TBCC teams will be based on the entry numbers for the Club Championship and the TBCC director reserves the right to vary the number of TBCC teams based on the actual entry numbers for the event. FIDE or NCS ratings will be used to guide selection into teams. Prospective participants cannot easily withdraw or change their plans unless there are alternate players and should consult with the TBCC director
The application deadline is July 18, 2022. Please send an email to if you would like more information. Please provide us with name, age as of 1/1/2022, and contact number. Please also spread the words!
HOORAY!!! The Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club is here to play at the NCS Team Chess Championship!
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