Every year, as close as possible to the actual day of Halloween, Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club holds Halloween Scholastic Tournament. This year, we held on October 19, 2019 after the massive super typhoon "Hagibis" hit the country. The Tournament Director, Alex A., and Teacher Vladimir Romero made the pairings each round and settled any type of dispute that arose during the game. Please give them a respect for the difficult job they do. We could not hold chess tournaments without them!
There were 12 brave souls, that came out during our Halloween Haunt from at least 7 schools. This is one of the best tournaments since all kids dress up in their Halloween costumes! Although many people believe that chess is just a game, there are many scientific and artistic applications that the game has to offer. Halloween lends itself perfectly to the artistic elements of the game. Children played five rounds showing fine sportsmanship as well as fine ability.
When two or more players ended up with the same score, we will have a blitz chess play-off, in which champions play one game of five-minute chess to determine who wins which trophy.
We had two sections and the winners after tie-breaks were:
Class A: Fedor Savenkov with 4.0/5.0
Class A: Senal Methmika Gallala Gamagewith 4.0/5.0
Class A: Paulo Galvez with 3.0/5.0
Marvel section winners were:
Captain: Kai Tatsumi with 3.0/4.0
Captain: Shota Osaka 1.0/4.0
What would our Halloween Tournament be without a costume contest? Kids and teachers dressed up with the spooky costumes and Eito Takada dressed as Minions won the best costume prize!
Also, we had a special "Random" prize from the Marvel team, nominated to Kenichi Juanda.
No discussion of Halloween Tournament would be complete without the Halloween Gambit, right? Congratulations to everyone who came out to participate and make for a great chess community event!
Thank you to all who came out to and participated the Halloween Chess Tournament.
Stay tuned for the New Year Tournament in 2020!