After School Programs

The Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club has the resources to set up a chess program at your school.  The TBCC only hires the top chess instructors and has an advanced chess curriculum and program that trains students from beginners to the level of tournament play.


Please contact us if you are interested in setting up a chess program at your school.


The TBCC currently offers chess programs at the following schools:

Nishimachi International School,  International School of Sacred Heart, Montessori School of Tokyo, Tokyo International School, YMCA International School 

Private Lessons

One on One Lessons- This is the number one way to improve.


The TBCC offers one on one private tutoring to help even the most seasoned players improve their games.  Whether you are just starting out or have been playing for years our team of qualified instructors is ready to help your child reach  his/her potential and become the player we know he/she can be!


You may use the contact form to let us know you are looking for a private instructor.   (A rate varies based on the instructor's title/rating/experience, etc.)


Group Lessons

The TBCC offers group classes covering a wide range of subjects and skill levels.

Our classes are engaging and fun enough to keep even the youngest players (kindergarteners) interested.  These classes are also a great way to meet other players. 

See lesson schedules here.

Kids & Adult Chess Club

The TBCCC’s adult chess club is designed for a wide range of players, from kids and teenagers to seniors, an intermediate level ready for tournament play, all the way to the Chess Masters level; however it is highly recommended that kids obtain a 800 JCA rating at minimum before joining.   Club Description